余裴文 Phoebe Yu

蒙福的安息主懷 - 紀念黃光賢牧師

黃牧師已辭了地上的勞苦,安息主懷! 他盡心、盡性、盡力愛著主,為聖經教導、家庭事工,服事主而貢獻一生的忠心好僕人。他為我們做了最好的服事典範。我們為他的離去深表哀悼,

「在耶和華眼中看聖民之死、極為寶貴。」-- 詩篇 ‭116:15

繪圖 & 撰文:余裴文

Blessed rest in peace - In Memory of Pastor Paul Huang

Pastor Huang had finished his mission and rested peacefully by the Lord. He loved the Lord with all his heart, soul, and strength, and was a loyal and good servant who had dedicated his life to Bible teaching, family ministry, and service to God. He had made the best example of service for us. Our sincere deep condolences for his departure. Oh Lord! Please commemorate this faithful and kind servant, lead him back to heaven, and have a crown of justice reserved for him! May Lord’s Grace embrace his family.

“Precious in the sight of the LORD is the death of his saints” --Psalms 116:15

ART & ARTICLE: Phoebe Yu


Grace Chen


Jessica Lin