His Final Days

God Took Paul Home


Pastor Paul Huang lived a disciplined life

where he would wake up before dawn to exercise and eat healthy, as he did not want to burden his family with illness. We are deeply saddened to say goodbye this soon, yet in a way, his lifelong prayer of not wanting prolonged illness nor time spent on a hospital bed was answered by God taking him quickly, without pain or suffering.

On Friday evening, April 23rd, 2021, Pastor Paul Huang and his wife, Ching-Mei Chen, went on a hike in the afternoon. When they returned home, Pastor Paul collapsed and was sent to the hospital’s emergency room. The emergency room doctor stated that when he arrived, he had no pulse and no heartbeat. Despite all the effort, the medical team was unable to bring him back after 20 minutes. They had no choice but to pronounce him dead on Friday evening around 6:20 PM. Based on Paul’s medical history, the description of the incident, and what they saw in the emergency room, the doctor determined that Pastor Paul suffered a sudden heart attack. While not uncommon for men over 40, this occurred without any warning signs.

Although this news was shocking to the family, the family took comfort in knowing that Pastor Paul Huang did not suffer prolonged pain, and he departed quickly and peacefully. The family knows that he is resting peacefully with the Lord, away from the weariness of this world.

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Pastor Paul Huang is loved by his family, and he loves his family through service and discipline. His biggest motivation for working out daily, making healthy meals, and going on walks was to lessen any health-related burdens on the family. It was his wish that the relationship he had with his family be one that is enjoyable and not burdensome.


His Greatest Joy