His Ministry
Faithfully Serving the Sheep God Entrusted Him
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Pastor Paul Huang found tremendous joy serving God in his ministry at River of Life Christian Church
He witnessed life transformations on a daily basis. He was meticulous in his preparation for Sunday School and sermons, and he found fulfillment in teaching the Word of God to the congregation, as his life was changed by these same words. During baptism classes, he was always overjoyed to hear his students’ testimonies and celebrated with the newly-born Christians, as they were his new brothers and sisters. He further used his experience and his passion for marriage to minister to families, as he believed in the importance of cultivating Christ-centered families. He served those who had special needs and took care of the elderly. He loved to share the gospel, shepherd the sheep that God had entrusted him, and guide others in their spiritual journeys. Through his faithful dedication to his ministry, countless members have received the Gospel, came to know God, and are living fruitful lives filled with God’s promises.
Paul officially joined River of Life Christian Church’s pastoral team in 2006 and was ordained as a pastor in 2009. He is known for teaching Sunday School, preaching, and hosting baptism, but he was involved with ROLCC in many other ways.
Pastor Paul Huang taking members of the Golden Age zone to San Francisco for a day trip.
Pastor Paul Huang, along with the Family Ministry, hosted an event called “A Date to Remember” which facilitated couples’ recommitment to one another.
Pastor Paul manning the grill for a zone gathering event.
Pastor Paul Huang taking photos for a Family Ministry event.
Pastor Paul Huang along with other ROLCC pastors putting prayer cards into the foundation of their new church sanctuary, Shekinah Glory.